Beta Software Site - please use any of these software own your own risk.
Latest Beta Firmware: 1.2.3 Build from 25. May 2022
DOWNLOAD update.bin
The current CP700.INI
Release History
To update the CP730BMW follow these steps:
1. Copy the update.bin to the root directory of a USB Stick. Please check
it is not called update(1).bin. Else, delete any update.bin and try
2. Disconnect CP730
3. Insert the USB Stick
4. Connect the CP730 with loaded USB stick
5. Wait untill all LED flashes very fast for about 20 seconds.
6. After that, it should restart and one LED goes red again and is ready for play.
CP checker tool
This tool will check all of your files on your card (inside folders 1 to 6) for compatible sampling rate (44.1kHz) and for supported modes (Stereo/Joint Stereo)
Download CP Checker
Please use on your own risk! Make sure you have backed up your files also to another drive before running this tool! The original files will be renamed to *.mp3.old. Please also check that you have enough space on your SD card!